General Shareholder’ Meeting and Special Meeting of Shareholders of May 12, 2016
JENSEN-GROUP held its General Shareholders’ Meeting on May 12, 2016. Following agenda items required approval:
- Approval of the remuneration report;
- Approval of the statutory financial statements;
- Appropriation of the result including a gross dividend of 0.40 euro per share;
- Discharge of the statutory auditor;
- Discharge of the Directors;
- Re-appointment of Gobes gcv, represented by Mr. Raf Decaluwé as a Director;
- Allocation of the Board of Directors’ fee;
- Proxy for the publication of the decisions of this General Shareholders’ Meeting.
The shareholders approved all of the items.
The share will trade ex-coupon as of May 25, 2016 and dividend will be payable as from May 27, 2016 at the counters of KBC bank (Paying Agent) upon presentation of coupon n°11.
JENSEN-GROUP held also a Special Shareholders’ Meeting on May 12, 2016 immediately after the General Shareholders’ Meeting. Following agenda items required approval:
- Re-instatement of the authorization of the Board of Directors to increase the capital under the provision of authorized capital – change of the bylaws;
- Renewal of the authorization for the Board of Directors to buy back shares – change of the bylaws;
- Cancellation of 183,969 treasury shares thereby reducing the total shares outstanding to 7,818,999 shares – adjustment number of outstanding shares in bylaws - proxy to the Board of Directors or daily manager;
- Proxy for publication of the decisions and for other formalities.
The shareholders also approved all of these items.
The full agenda of the General Shareholders’ Meeting and of the Special Meeting of Shareholders are also available on the corporate website under Investor Relations/Shareholder Guide/ Shareholder Meetings.