Revenue 2014 amounts to 239.6 million euro, a 8.2% increase compared to last year.
Operating profit (EBIT) amounts to 19.7 million euro, which is 31.2% higher than last year.
Cash flow (EBITDA) amounts to 22.5 million euro, a 17.6% increase compared to last year.
Net profit from the continuing operations amounts to 13.0 million euro (Earnings per Share of 1.66 euro), an increase of 32.1% compared to last year.
Net cash position increased by 3.7 million euro, from 2.7 million euro to 6.4 million euro.
JENSEN-GROUP has a dividend policy of distributing 0.25 euro per share annually unless the results or the financial statement do not allow such dividend. Based on these excellent results for 2014, the board proposes to add a one-time dividend of 0.15 euro per share.
JENSEN-GROUP continues its geographic expansion with the opening of JENSEN Spain S.L. as it has taken over the business activities of their Spanish Distributor Boaya S.L. on February 4, 2015.