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Annual results 2013

Income Statement 31/12/2013 - 31/12/2012
Consolidated, audited key figures
(Mln euro) Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31,2012 Change
  12M 12M  
Revenue3 221.4 229.9 -3.6%
EBIT3 15.0 17.5 -14.1%
Cash flow from operations (EBITDA) 1 17.5 23.2 -24.6%
Financial result -1.5 -2.2 -33.6%
Profit before taxes 13.5 15.2 -11.3%
Taxes -3.6 -4.7 -23.0%
Net income continuing operations 9.9 10.5 -6.0%
Result from discontinued operations -0.1 -0.1 -30.1%
Net income (Group share in the profit) 9.8 10.4 -5.7%
Net cash flow 2 12.4 15.9 -22.2%
Balance sheet as of31/12/2012 - 31/12/2011
Consolidated, audited key figures
(Mln euro) Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31,2012 Change
  12M 12M  
Equity 62.2 54.6 14.0%
Net financial debt -2.7 10.9 -125.0%
Assets held for sale 0.4 0.4 -4.2%
Total assets 137.4 148.2 -7.3%
Consolidated, audited key figures per share
(euro) Dec 31,2013 Dec 31,2012 Change
  12M 12M  
Cash flow from operations (EBITDA) 1 2.19 2.9 -24.5%
Profit before taxes 1.69 1.9 -11.1%
Profit after taxes continuing operations (EPS) 1.23 1.31 -6.1%
Net cash flow 2 1.55 1.99 -22.1%
Equity 7.83 6.82 14.8%
Number of shares (end of period) 7'943'200 8'002'968 0.8%
Number of shares (average) 7'999'536 8'002'968 0.0%


1 EBITDA = earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization;This is operating profit plus depreciation and amounts written off on stocks, trade debtors and provisions for liabilities and charges
2 The net cash flow is the net income (Group share in the profit) excluding depreciation, amounts written off on stocks, trade debtors and provisions for liabilities and charges.
32012 restated for change in classification of foreign exchange result.