
KliQ S

A versatile feeder for light and heavy large-piece linen


  • Top feeding quality
  • High capacity with edge-to-edge feeding
  • Versatile feeder ideal for mixed production

Top quality feeding

  • Extra treatment of leading, trailing, and side edges for optimal stretching and spreading.
  • Equipped with tension-sensitive spreading clamps, spreading belts, a deep vacuum box, and a pick-up roller to ensure feeding quality.
  • Provides "Perfect edge" feeding for excellent feeding quality on a variety of linen.

High Capacity and Versatility

  • Feeds by a feeding beam with a bar clamp to handle heavier linen.
  • Has a max capacity of 1000 pcs/hr and is ideal for mixed production.
  • Supports 3 or 4 feeding stations with various working widths and no floor pit required for certain linen lengths.
  • Allows for both large and small piece feeding, with the ability to feed small pieces directly into the ironer by raising the outlet conveyor.
  • Equipped with a trailing edge sensor to maximize production speed and enable edge-to-edge feeding.

Advanced Features and Components

  • EasyClamp offers optimal ergonomic working conditions and enables faster feeding.
  • The spreading clamps with tension detection, powered by a servo motor, ensure optimal stretching of the leading edge at high speed regardless of linen size.
  • The secure feeding beam, made of strong and lightweight aluminum, handles heavier linen more consistently and consumes minimal energy.
  • Includes durable components such as a lasting blow pipe, support wings, larger pick-up rollers, a deep vacuum box, and spreading belts with vacuum support to improve feeding quality and transfer results.
  • Optional features like an auto-stop protection system and productivity screen are available.
  • The operating buttons at the feeding stations are conveniently positioned for the operator.

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