Halfyear results 2019

Income Statement 30/06/2019 - 30/06/2018   
Non-audited, consolidated key figures      
    June 30, 2019June 30, 2018Change
(million euro)   6M6M 
Revenue   177.6181.0-1.9%
EBIT   16.815.95.9%
Cash flow (EBITDA) 1   20.718.511.9%
Financial result   -1.1-0.766.7%
Profit before taxes   15.715.23.2%
Taxes   -4.0-4.5-11.3%
Net income continuing operations   11.710.79.3%
Result from assets held for sale   -0.1-0.1-27.8%
Result of companies consolidated under equity method   -0.10.6-122.1%
Result attributable to Non Controlling Interest   -0.3-0.1125.4%
Net income (Group share in the profit)   11.811.43.5%
Net cash flow 2   15.614.011.8%
Balance sheet as of 30/06/2019- 31/12/2018      
Non-audited, consolidated key figures      
    June 30, 2019Dec 31, 2018Change
(million euro)   6M12M 
Equity   129.7126.02.9%
Net financial debt (-cash)   32.5-5.4-707.6%
Assets held for sale
Total assets   267.9255.74.8%
Non-audited, consolidated key figures per share      
    June 30, 2019June 30, 2018Change
(euro)   6M6M 
Cash flow (EBITDA) 1   2.642.3611.9%
Profit before taxes   2.011.943.6%
Net Profit share of the Group (EPS)   1.511.463.4%
Net cash flow 2   2.001.7911.7%
Equity (June 30, 2019 - December 31, 2018)   16.5816.112.9%
Number of shares (end of period)   7'818'9997'818'999 
Number of shares (average)   7'818'9997'818'999 


1 EBITDA = earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization; This is operating profit plus depreciation and amounts written off on stocks, trade debtors, impairment losses and provisions for liabilities and charges.
2 The net cash flow is the net income (Group share in the profit) excluding depreciation, amounts written off on stocks, trade debtors, impairment losses and provisions for liabilities and charges.