News & Innovations
Our new Katana folder launched at this year’s Clean Show in New Orleans is working at full speed and full satisfaction in Italy.
Our longstanding customer Chi-ma is impressed about the quality of the machine and is absolutely amazed over the folding quality.
The Katana folder with five inline stackers and two crossfold sections is part of a complete finishing line with a Logic feeder and a two-roll EXPG ironer. It’s a very compact solution with a fast ROI thanks to the sorting that is done by the stackers, saving labour cost in the sorting area. In addition, laundries can produce 350 sheets more per day on the existing ironer line for free thanks to the full and easy access to the crossfold section.
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The laundry processes only high quality hotel and restaurant linen for the hotels and restaurants in and around Florence. The results are amazing, and we hope that the tourists in Florence are as excited as our customer is!