News & Innovations
JENSEN QuickSoak (pat.pend.) intensifies the pre-wash with an extra shower for the linen in the first compartment for maximum soaking and drenching.
More action, less water
In terms of flexibility, efficiency and productivity, the bath exchange process in the Senking Universal is far superior to classic systems like the counterflow process. The savings in water consumption have a tremendous impact on the KPI. With its large drum capacity, high washing ribs, high rotational angle and the patented washboard- like shaped Archimedean Helix, the Senking Universal generates a high mechanical action. It is thanks to this mechanical wash action that less water is needed to rinse out the detergents.
The unique concept of the JENSEN tunnel washers has now been further improved with JENSEN QuickSoak - for a very efficient and precise soaking effect.
Increased washing mechanics
Special beaters in the first compartment of the the tunnel take water from the bottom of the drum and lift it up during the reversing action of the drum. In the upper position, the water is released through perforations on both sides of the beaters and pours down on the linen in the bath. This improves the mixing of water and chemicals, leads to a better and more even distribution in the batch and takes floating items under water.
Intensified soaking
The linens are wet out quickly and thoroughly: When the drum reverses, the Archimedean Screw moves the linen and bath in an axial direction on the bottom of the drum within one compartment. Water in the rib is released once the batch is located under the perforated area.
The idea behind our innovation
The beaters are fully integrated in the first compartment of the tunnel washer. This technique makes additional components such as pumps and valves obsolete. Therefore, no extra maintenance is required, and neither are any extra utilities nor consumptions. For easy inspection, the beaters have a flange with window located on the outside of the drum.
JENSEN QuickSoak: Benefits at a glance
We invite you to have a look at our newest footage on JENSEN QuickSoak, <link><link>here or on our Youtube-channel: <link http: jensengroupcom>
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