News & Innovations
JENSEN France will participate in this year's JET Expo in Paris, taking place at Porte de Versailles from October 11 to 14.
JET is an acronym for "Journées de l'Entretien des Textiles", meaning "days of textile care". It is the first exhibition in France that is dedicated to the entire value chain within textile care. The show takes place every two years and has become a meeting place for all textile care professionals in France and its French-speaking neighbours. Exceptionally this year, this exhibition will host the Annual congress of French Hospital Laundry Managers (URBH).
Visitors to the JENSEN booth* will be able to learn more about our latest machine developments, about our layout expertise and how our Sales and Service Center in Paris adds value to the productivity of heavy-duty laundries. Our team from JENSEN France looks forward to welcoming you and to exchanging ideas with you how automation can move your business forward.
*Hall 7.1, booth no. A20-B19