Designed to be installed in the wall, to provide the loading of linen on dirty and unloading on the clean side the JBW ensure a reliable protection against spreading of bacteria, avoiding the possibility of linen contamination and providing the maximum disinfection in combination with the washing process.
Robust and reliable construction: all vital parts of the machine are made of top quality material, stainless steel AISI 304, or as an option in AISI 316 for clean room solutions.
Operational Safety: the powerful mechanical brake is used both for the automatic inner drum positioning and for the emergencies as the emergency brake; the inner drum stops in less than 7 sec time.
Ergonomic and User friendly: all the machines offer the best ergonomics and user-friendly operation. With their wide range of options they can meet every customer request (double display to handle the process on the clean side, automatic weighing system to optimise the linen loading, 4th water inlet, second drain valve for recycling, water and PH sensometers ...).
Two or three compartment inner drum for ergonomical loading and unloading.
Best washing performance
Construction of inner drum ribs and doors to achieve a unique effect of mechanical action of the linen
Design of heating chambers allows the minimal water loss, reflected in the rapid warming and consequently lower energy consumption
Automatic weighing system to optimise the loading of linen and adjust the water and liquid detergents consumption according to the weight of the linen. Savings up to 50%
Water recycling system (WRS) provides even extra consumption reduction
H.M.S.S. - Hygiene Monitoring Software System
Real time data (input, output) from all connected machines
Statistics data collection in database for all the JBW connected to the system
Edit and create washing programs on your computer
Safe and User friendly operation
All the parts subject to maintenance are easily acessible
The powerful break system controls both the drum auto postioning for the loading and unloading operations and the emergency stop
The compressed air cushions reduce both the operation noise and lower the load to the ground
Two points lock with pneumatic cylinders for years of operation without any maintenance