General Shareholder’ Meeting of May 19, 2020
JENSEN-GROUP held its General Shareholders’ Meeting on May 19, 2020. Following agenda items required approval:
- Approval of the remuneration policy and of the remuneration report;
- Approval of the statutory financial statements
- Appropriation of the result;
- Discharge of the statutory auditor;
- Discharge of the Directors;
- Re-appointment of YquitY bv, represented by Mr. Rudy Provoost, and appointment of Mr. Jobst Wagner as non-executive, independent Directors;
- Re-appointment of statutory auditor;
- Allocation of the Board of Directors’ fee;
- Extension of exemption deferred bonus payments;
- Proxy for the publication of the decisions of this General Shareholders’ Meeting.
The shareholders approved all of the items.
The full agenda of the General Shareholders’ Meeting is also available here.