Transfer Dryer WR 60-120
Welcome to the new dry season: Highest Performance with minimal use of energy
- Up to 15% energy savings and up to 10% higher evaporation capacity
- Outstanding user friendliness
- Best performance and productivity by the larger drum diameter
- Space saving miracle
Up to 15% energy savings and up to 10% higher evaporation capacity
- Efficient fans and optimized air flow via motorized recirculation flap
- Strong, well-sealed and heat-insulated frame and components for best processing conditions
Outstanding user friendliness
- Best accessibility, easy dismantling of lint screen segments, direct drive concept, flanged drive shaft and wheels, maintenance platform at unloading end
Best performance and productivity by the larger drum diameter
- Gentler treatment of the linen for a longer linen lifetime
- Less wrinkling for a higher finish quality
- Less tangling for a faster handling after the drying process
- Faster unloading thanks to the shorter drum
Space saving miracle
- Compact Design
- Mirror image configuration
- Space is money – use the free space for other purposes!