Experts' Corner

How to maintain non-operated JENSEN Equipment

From time to time, there might be reasons to turn off laundry machines for a longer time period. The exact procedures are detailed in our operator manuals. However – and especially in these very challenging times when we all have to react fast – please find below a quick overview about the main actions that have to be taken to protect your JENSEN equipment during idle times:


Tunnel washers

During longer downtimes, it is necessary to empty the JENSEN tunnel washer completely so that the surfaces can dry off and the machine and linen are not contaminated. If a machine is not emptied during longer downtimes, you can get germination or spore formation, both on the linen and in the liquor, linen gets foxing, corrosion especially at the water and air transition area of the machine parts.

  1. Switch off the loading device and move linen completely out of the machine.
  2. Check that the tunnel washer is completely free of linen.
  3. Ensure all compartments have been washed with program “0” and no detergent after the linen.
  4. Empty the tunnel washer completely.
  5. Flush all lines, especially the detergent lines, to avoid that aggressive and pure media gets in contact with machine surfaces. Ensure that neither the detergent nor any chemicals are flowing into the tunnel washer. 
  6. Switch off the detergent dosing station.
  7. Close the main shut-off valves, i.e. steam, water, external water supply from the recovery systems.
  8. Open the drain valves on the valve terminal of the air fitting with outer drum drain, outer drum overflow, all tanks and filter equipment such as lint screens and check the water flow diagram of the machine.
  9. Drain the water line and open the hand valve on the water line in the machine.
  10. Remove the key switch and close the drain valves.
  11. Switch the pilot valves back to their initial position.
  12. Close the air supply.
  13. On machines with Schiele controls, ensure the buffer batteries are ok or change them before you switch the machines off. Save the data by printing the programs and control times out, or get in contact with your local service for downloading it.
  14. On machines with Phoenix controls, make a backup from the machine data (see manual description) and export them to a USB stick.
  15. Turn off the main switch.

Water extraction presses, centrifugal extractors and transfer dryers

  1. Thoroughly clean the machine.
  2. Remove any remaining water from the extraction unit and drain remaining water from the tank.
  3. Bring the press in stand by position and lock the piston in the top position with the bracket, to prevent that the cushion is lowering over time. 
  4. Switch off any media supply.
  5. Stop the machine by pressing the “Stop” push button on the panel PC.
  6. Shut down the PPC.
  7. Turn off the main switch.


Finishing equipment 

Remove any linen or garment from the machines and do a thorough cleaning, and make sure the air filters are clean and free from lint. This will ensure a minimum needed airflow in the electrical cabinets.

Take the time to check all machine functions, check all drive belts, belts, motors, cylinders and electrical components, repair and replace any parts found to be defective or worn out. We also suggest performing maintenance according to instructions in the manual.

Electrical, air and possibly gas supply is switched off. Air-reservoirs with draining possibility is drained. Metal surfaces that are not in contact with linen is to be protected by anti-corrosion product.

If water or condensate can drip from the ceiling, the machine needs to be covered by plastic. Make sure that is only covered and not wrapped to allow air circulation.

It is also recommended to replace the batteries of the Cotas PLC (machines installed until 2006) before an extended shutdown. These batteries are to be replaced every two years. Beware: this shall be done when machine is energized. If in doubt, please contact your local JENSEN SSC or Distributor.


  1. Clean all fan wheels, vacuum beams and conveyors.
  2. Moveable conveyors, feeding stations etc. to be lowered into bottom position.


  1. Make sure the padding is completely dry.
  2. Make sure the rolls are secured in upper position, either by the transport brackets or by the safety bolts.
  3. Chests and gap-pieces need to be properly protected, preferably with liquid wax. (NB Part no. 1500040, applied with paint roller, if normal waxing cannot be done)
  4. Steam heated ironers need to have as much condensate as possible drained.
  5. Close steam and condensate connection and make sure to drain the connective pipes.


  1. Any pneumatic moveable parts are lowered to its bottom position.

Garment folders

  1. Any pneumatic moveable parts are lowered to its bottom position.

Garment finishers

  1. Clean all fan wheels.
  2. Close steam and condensate connection and drain the connective pipes.

If you take these precautions, you will be able to restart the machines without any trouble. All of us at the JENSEN-GROUP hope that all JENSEN laundry machines will be up and running again soon. 

Please observe the instructions in your machine manual, and please note that all JENSEN machines must be stored at an ambient temperature ranging from +1°C to +50°C (33.8°F to 122° F). Even during decommissioning, the operating room of the machines must be kept frost-free and ventilated regularly.

We also recommend taking the opportunity to order and install essential parts and options. 

Please contact our service helpdesk for further support, we are here to help you in these challenging times.

Best wishes from the JENSEN-GROUP, stay healthy and safe. 

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