Annual results 2010

Income Statement 31/12/2010 - 31/12/2009   
Consolidated, audited key figures   
(Mln euro)Dec 31, 2010Dec 31, 2009Change
Cash flow from operations (EBITDA) 124.315.061.87%
Financial result-2.7-4.1-34.53%
Profit before taxes12.86.886.24%
Net income continuing operations8.65.167.88%
Result from discontinued operations-0.1-0.1-33.90%
Net income (Group share in the profit)
Net cash flow
Balance sheet as of 31/12/2010 - 31/12/2009   
Consolidated, audited key figures   
(Mln euro)Dec 31, 2010Dec 31, 2009Change
Net financial debt13.213.01.77%
Assets held for sale0.40.4-10.31%
Total assets157.9152.03.86%
Consolidated, audited key figures per share   
(euro)Dec 31, 2010Dec 31, 2009Change
Cash flow from operations (EBITDA) 13.041.8762.57%
Profit before taxes1.590.8587.06%
Profit after taxes continuing operations (EPS)1.070.6467.19%
Net cash flow 22.191.1590.43%
Number of shares (end of period)8'002'9688'002'968 
Number of shares (average)8'002'9688'034'4130.39%


1 EBITDA = earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization;This is operating profit plus depreciation and amounts written off on stocks, trade debtors and provisions for liabilities and charges
2 The net cash flow is the net income (Group share in the profit) excluding depreciation, amounts written off on stocks, trade debtors and provisions for liabilities and charges.