JENSEN-GROUP Whistleblowing Procedure

JENSEN-GROUP NV, its subsidiaries, and their respective directors, officers and employees are committed to act in accordance with the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity and in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of each jurisdiction in which the company or its subsidiaries operate. A detailed description of this commitment can be found in the Ethical Business Policy Statement.

What to report?

JENSEN-GROUP provides a secure Whistleblowing Hotline - with the option to report anonymously - so that all Reporting Persons (as defined below) can feel free to speak up on any misconduct within JENSEN-GROUP, including:

  • breaches of the Ethical Business Policy Statement;
  • breaches affecting the financial interests of the EU and related national implementing legislation i.e. financial fraud in any form;
  • breaches relating to the internal market including the rules on competition and State aid; and
  • Breaches of national or EU legislation in the following areas:
    • Public procurement.
    • Financial services, products and markets, and the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.
    • Product safety and compliance.
    • Transport safety.
    • Environmental protection.
    • Radiation protection and nuclear safety.
    • Food and feed safety, animal health and welfare.
    • Public health.
    • Consumer protection.
    • Protection of privacy and personal data, and security of network and information systems.
    • Combating tax fraud.
    • Combating social fraud.

The Whistleblowing Hotline is accessible in local languages and is operated by an independent, competent, and trusted third party.

Who can report?

The Whistleblowing Hotline is open for all persons who are, or have been, in a work-based relationship with JENSEN-GROUP, including employees, self-employed persons, shareholders, administration or management members, volunteers and trainees, and persons working under the supervision and direction of contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers (“Reporting Persons”).


JENSEN-GROUP will take the necessary measures to protect the Reporting Persons who have, in good faith, disclosed information through the Whistleblowing Hotline, against any form of retaliation, threats thereof and attempts thereto. Furthermore, JENSEN-GROUP will ensure the same protection for Reporting Persons who have disclosed information through official external reporting channels or through legally authorized public disclosure.

Anonymous reporting

Reporting Persons have the option not to reveal their identity and to report anonymously. The Whistleblowing Hotline offers an interactive chatbox for the anonymous exchange of questions and answers.

Data protection

JENSEN-GROUP will carry out any processing, exchange, or transmission of personal data in compliance with the GDPR and with GDPR-related national legislation and will not collect or, if accidentally collected, delete without undue delay personal data which are manifestly not relevant for the handling of a specific report.

How can I report?

You can submit a report directly to the JENSEN-GROUP Whistleblowing Hotline, which will acknowledge receipt within 7 (seven) days of that receipt. The Whistleblowing Hotline will inform the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee of the JENSEN-GROUP Board of Directors who will take appropriate action. The Whistleblowing Hotline will provide feedback on such action to the Reporting Person within 3 (three) months from the acknowledgment of receipt. To access the Hotline, please click on the button below. Please also note that in addition to the Whistleblowing Hotline, Reporting Persons may always resort to the available external reporting channels of the competent national authorities.

JENSEN-GROUP Whistleblowing Hotline