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Belangrijk nieuws

Fortune favors the bold: Scandinavia’s first towel-folding robot boosts

The Rentx laundry in Kongsberg, Norway, serves hospitality providers and healthcare institutions in the greater Oslo region, a hub that is known for its robust economy and thriving tourism industry. Established 25 years ago, the family-owned business evolved from Sandsvær Vaskeri, originally run by the parents of the…

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Recent Articles

april 2024
Say Goodbye to the Shortage of Skilled Workers and Hello to an Attractive Workplace

It's not easy finding suitable skilled workers, especially in the laundry industry. Automated systems provide the best way to combat this problem. With its smart machines…

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februari 2024
The future, NOW, nobody in the soil sorting!

To avoid exposing employees to potentially infectious laundry, the automatic soil sort with robots is crucial. Especially in healthcare laundries. Robots cannot suffer…

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november 2023
How Much AI is integrated into Inwatec's Installation?

Artificial intelligence has a real buzz and is making a huge difference in all kinds of industries, most notably in laundries. The automation of the soil sort area, for…

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september 2022
All eyes on Basel

During the Annual Meeting of the East German Laundry Association in Rheinsberg, Bardusch Basel received the WRP Star in the Exemplary Logistics category. With this award,…

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december 2021
Robotics in Beijing

While robots doing laundry was once an idea only for futuristic sci-fi movies, that future is now realized by dozens of laundries around the world.

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All Articles

Double THOR.Linen at Van der Kleij, Utrecht/Netherlands

This loyal JENSEN customer, processing 100% hospitality linen, has been investing in Inwatec soil sorting flat linen automation in the last months.


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mei 2021
Co-operation between Inwatec and the JENSEN-GROUP

In 2018, the JENSEN-GROUP acquired a participation of 30% in Inwatec ApS, a Danish company that manufactures high-end heavy-duty laundry products.

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maart 2021
No sharp shooting here – thanks to Odin!

Ammunition, such as cartridge cases for rifles and pistols, the famous Swiss Army knife, padlocks and occasionally a lighter that was forgotten in a sleeping bag – all of these foreign objects do not belong in the washing process.

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februari 2021

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