Design Consultancy towards a successful future

JENSEN’s design consultancy gives your laundry a competitive edge for the future.

We believe that you know your laundry and your clients better than anybody else. With the help of the JENSEN-GROUP’s comprehensive laundry competence and experience we will be able to find the right solution – be it when planning a new turn-key laundry, be it when upgrading an existing laundry.

Adding value with automation

The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts: Successful laundries looking at developing their business will no longer consider individual performance figures of the washroom or finishing machines. Instead, they will plan their return-on-investment and analyze the total cost of ownership. The significance of operational efficiency continues to increase along with the importance of working with the right partners. With the right equipment, the right knowledge, and how to best utilize these, heavy-duty laundries hold valuable tools that they can benefit from.

In addition to high-quality laundry equipment meeting the highest standards in quality and ecology, JENSEN also offers a range of automation tools that help heavy-duty laundries increase their profits. In a nutshell, it is about making sure that the linen is always at the right place, at the right moment to feed the high-capacity machine - be it the tunnel washer, the finishing line for flatwork, or the tunnel finisher.

With Jenway, the smart way to automate production sequences, JENSEN has added the last mile in complete automation by designing the interface between the folding machine and the packing area.

Our laundry experts will work together with you to define your requirements, analyse your existing processes, offer you in-depth advice and implement the optimum solution for sustainable success. They combine practice-based insights with years of experience, and make our expertise work for you.