
JWE 270/600

Open-Pocket, front-loading washer extractor with a loading capacity of 270 kgs (600 lbs)

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  • Loading capacity: 270 kg (600 lbs).
  • Maximum control of wash parameters to offer excellent wash results for a wide variety of linen.
  • Auto-Pro hopper and 12° two-way tilt allowing integration into fully automated washroom.
  • Intelligent balancing software system to reduce machine wear.
  • Relatively small footprint.
  • Solid and durable design.

Fully-automatic, semi-automatic or easy manual loading and unloading

  • JWE 270/600 can be integrated into a fully automatic washroom section.
  • Automatic loading possible from a conveyor or sling system thanks to a loading hopper (Auto-Pro) and 12° tilt ensures linen fully shakes into the machine.
  • Automatic unloading is possible with a 12° tilt toward the front of the machine allowing linen to be fully shaken out of the front of the machine.
  • If manually operated, the 12° two-way tilt also makes loading and unloading easier.

Easy process management

  • Can deliver excellent wash results for a wide variety of linen.
  • Maximum control of washing programs, from water level, spin speed, temperature, etc.
  • Detergent dispensed by actual linen weight.
  • High-capacity water and steam valves speed up the cycle time, ensuring maximum productivity.

A durable, long-lasting and high-performance solution

  • The JWE 270/600 operates on the JOS operating system, which provides seamless integration with the JENSEN Ecosystem.
  • Patented intelligent balancing software ensures proper distribution of the load before starting extraction, decreasing wear on the machine and increasing efficiency.
  • A simple and robust design, coupled with the use of premium materials and strict manufacturing controls ensures longevity and a cost-efficient operation over the life cycle of the machine.

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